Collage parts
SW P11009/112 Air bike
SW P11012/112 Airship
5 x 9 cm
Please take a look at SW G13027/157 Numeric stick and at SW Plate 157
SW S13001/153 Alphabettunnel
FAS K2109 Atoms
8½ x 11 cm
Please take a look at PLATESW171
8½ x 13 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 170
8½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 14
FAS S2001 Background science
EI J1884/45 Bicycle
FAS G2113 Binary code
FAS P1401 Bingo card
EI J1247/65 Bones
FAS N0117 Braindiagram
FAS N0117 Braindiagram
6 x 6½ cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 01 and FAS Plate 22
EI J1885/45 Camera
SW N07054/63 Cameras
NS C9203 Carriage sign
Example product
Example product
This is an example product. Include details on the product specifics, key values, and benefits. Explain what makes the product unique and how it delivers value to customers.
EI R1883/45 Chairs
NS N6007 Chess pieces
NS D9310 City hotel
8 x 8 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 132
5 x 6 cm
Please take a look at NS PLate 77
NS J5607 Compass circles
1½ x 2½ cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 01
NS C0904 Diamond border
FAS L1406 DNA-scheme
FAS L1406 DNA-scheme
4 x 6½ cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 14 and FAS Plate 32
NS F7704 Dome webbing
NS D5408 Doorknocker
NS N7702 Dot pattern lg
NS N7702 Dot pattern lg
NS F7710 Dot pattern sm
NS F7710 Dot pattern sm
EI D1845/45 Escargot
SW J18041/212 Explosion
EI N2014/89 Eye twister
FAS Q0110 Eyes
FAS Q0110 Eyes
various sizes
Please take a look at FAS Plate 01 and at FAS Plate 30
NS P7703 Face collage
NS F6306 Face features
FAS J1409 Face man
SW N11011/112 Fan
FAS F0108 Feel the pulse
FAS F0108 Feel the pulse
3½ x 5 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 01 and FAS Plate 30
NS B5407 Flower ornament
SW S12060/131 Four wheels
SW S12060/131 Four wheels
3 x 3½ cm , 1 x 4½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 131
EI D1843/45 French wasp
FAS P1005 Gate corridor
FAS P1005 Gate corridor
4½ x 9 cm
Please take a look at fFAS Plate 10 and at FAS Plate 22
SW F12061/131 Gearmill
FAS F1004 Hand with eye
FAS F1004 Hand with eye
3½ x 5½
Please take a look at FAS Plate 10 and FAS Plate 30
5 x 7 cm
Please take a look at fFAS Plate 01 and FAS Plate 30
SW R18035/210 Handprint
FAS F1407 Head turban
FAS F1407 Head turban
4 x 5 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 14 and FAS Plate 29
FAS P0101 Headdiagram
NS E7905 Hearts rosette
EI D1229/65 Horseshoe
NS D6815 Ink splatter
NS D6815 Ink splatter
2 x 4 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 68 or NS Plate 107
EI J1250/65 La fleur
EI J1248/65 Le fruit
NS N5706 Leaf on text
3 x 8 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 01 and at FAS Plate 30
2 x 5 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 21 and FAS Plate 30
EI J1238/65 Long frog
NS P8405 Luna-tic
3 x 5 cm each
Please take a look at EI Plate 45
FAS J1404 Mahjong tiles
NS F6212 Mannequin
FAS F0109 Mechanical arm
EI E1232/65 Microscope
2 x 2 cm + 3 x 3 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 20
EI F1235/65 Nautilus
EI J1357/71 Nefertiti lg
EI E1349/71 Nefertiti sm
EI J1240/65 Nest
EI E1233/65 NH Fish
EI F1234/65 NH Frog
EI J1242/65 NH Owl
EI D1230/65 NH Shell
NS F7705 Numbers
1½ x 9 cm
Please take a look at CP Plate 12
FAS G1003 Open watch
EI E1849/45 Palmistry
NS D5507 Perfume
FAS Q2107 Periodic table
EI G1355/71 Pharaoh 1
EI F1354/71 Pharaoh 2
EI E1352/71 Pharaoh bust
NS P6304 Pillar scheme
SW L18043/212 Pinwheels
14 x 20 cm
Only sold as plate, no individual stamps
EIPP76 Plate 76 Fun stuff
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP78 Plate 78 Flip flops 1
EIPP78 Plate 78 Flip flops 1
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP84 Plate 84 Celtic
EIPP84 Plate 84 Celtic
13 x 18 cm
Only the dragons are sold individually, the other images not.
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
13 x 18 cm
This plate is sold as plate only, no individual stamps.