FAS K2109 Atoms
4½ x 14½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 90 and SW Plate 89.
On these plates are various microscopic small parts of plants. Beautiful artforms.
7½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 82
SW T09003/83 Background LOVE
7½ x 12½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 83
SW G22012/237 Balloons
SW G22012/237 Balloons
1½ x 5 and 3½ x 5 cm
Take a look at PLATESW237 Plate 237 Images with grote wensteksten
1 x 5 cm and 2 x 8½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 159
SW D12163/145 Bonbons
NS P8411 Broken pillar
EI J1885/45 Camera
SW N07054/63 Cameras
NS C9203 Carriage sign
EI R1883/45 Chairs
SW N22022/238 Charter
NS N6007 Chess pieces
SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
5½ x 10½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 159 and at SW R14006/169 Chickenwire negative
5 x 10½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 169 and at SW R13040/159 Chickenwire
NS D9310 City hotel
5 x 6 cm
Please take a look at NS PLate 77
FAS G3103 Cochlear nerve
NS J5607 Compass circles
SW F12160/145 Cupcake
7 x 8 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 69
SW F07055/63 Diary
3½ x 3½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 44
NS D0411 Deco square
NS N8402 Decorated mask
NS F7704 Dome webbing
NS D5408 Doorknocker
¾ x 6½ cm en 1 x 9 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 160 and SW Plate 57
4½ x 6 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 149
NS P7703 Face collage
NS F6306 Face features
NS N9303 Family car
NS D5602 Feather bouquet
3 x 3 cm and 3 x 3½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 89
NS C5413 Fleur de lis
NS B5407 Flower ornament
NS B9205 Flowerheart
SW Q09048/89 Four globes
SW Q09048/89 Four globes
diameter 2½, 3, 3½ and 4 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 89
5½ x 8 cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
NS N8410 Full circle
NS K8903 Giftbox
4 x 7½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 158
5€ x 6 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 121
5 x 9 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 195
SW B06106/40 Hand mirror
SW R18035/210 Handprint
2½ x 6½ cm and 4½ x 5 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 210
2,2 x 4½ cm and 5 x 5½ cm
Take a look at PLATESW237 Plate 237 Images with grote wensteksten
NS E7905 Hearts rosette
6½ x 8 cm
There is also a smaller version: SW D06096/80 Hole in paper sm + Ex Libris
Please take a look at SW Plate 80
3½ x 4½ cm
There is also a larger version: SW Q05234/80 Hole in paper lg + Ex Libris
Please take a look at SW Plate 80
2½ x 3 and 4 x 4½ cm
Take a look at PLATESW237 Plate 237 Images with grote wensteksten
2½ x 3 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 10
SW D12162/145 Icecream
NS D6815 Ink splatter
NS D6815 Ink splatter
2 x 4 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 68 or NS Plate 107
4 x 7 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 68
4½ x 4½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 68
SW F11023/114 Loupe
3 x 5 cm each
Please take a look at EI Plate 45
SW P07061/63 Mailbox
SW C06102/39 Mask
SW Q08011/72 Maze cube
7 x 7 cm and 3½ x 1½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 72
EI E1232/65 Microscope
2 x 2 cm + 3 x 3 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 20
4½ x 12 cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
SW G09065/91 NOF Border
SW R09062/91 NOF Circle
SW G09064/91 NOF Curl
SW Q09063/91 NOF Fan
SW Q09066/91 NOF Golf
NS F7705 Numbers
SW B07060/63 Numberstamp
SW M18030/210 Open book
4 x 4½ cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
7½ x 8 cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
3½ x 5 cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
SW F13048/160 Paint tube
SW G07062/64 Paper bag
EI R1659/28 Peacock portico
NS D5507 Perfume
NS P6304 Pillar scheme
SW F11021/114 Pistol
SW D12127/140 Pistol
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP76 Plate 76 Fun stuff
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP78 Plate 78 Flip flops 1
EIPP78 Plate 78 Flip flops 1
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
EIPP81 Plate 81 Funky stuff
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP82 Plate 82 Flip flops 2
EIPP82 Plate 82 Flip flops 2
13 x 18 cm
Sold as plate only, no individual stamps
EIPP84 Plate 84 Celtic
EIPP84 Plate 84 Celtic
13 x 18 cm
Only the dragons are sold individually, the other images not.
2½ x 3½ cm and 3 x 4 cm
Please take a look at FAS Plate 21
SW C13041/159 Push pins
SW C13041/159 Push pins
1 x 2 cm and 1 x 1½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 159
1½ x 2½ cm and 3 x 5 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 210
NS Q8204 Queen of hearts
NS M7701 Radar view
NS F7707 Radar webbing
5 x 8 cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 66
4 x 4 cm
Take a look at SWPLATE238 Plate 238 Frames
3 x 5½ cm and 4½ x 9½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 160