4½ x 8 cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 68 and NS Plate 108
NS K9409 Celtic wind
SW F14033/175 Clouds
FAS P2010 Corona
EI M1802/42 Deco sunset
SW K05034/SWCP07 Earth
SW M20029/228 Earth
NS R8804 Galaxy
NS Q7001 Gnarled branche
SW K20031/228 Moon
EI R1660/31 Moon goddess
EI L1798/38 Moon man
NS G8203 Moon with face
NS Q0812 Moon with moth
4½ x 10½ cm
Please take a look at SWCP Plate 07
EI F1098/06 Mother Earth
NS N7206 Mystic circle
NS R9410 Night sky
NS N7904 O wind,
SW D05033/SWCP07 Planet
SW P12025/126 Planet lg
SW D12026/126 Planet sm
13 x 18 cm
Only sold as plate, no individual stamps.
SW F20034/228 Saturn
NS C8207 Sleeping moon
1½ x 1½ cm and 2½ x 2½ cm
Please take a look at NS Plate 94
SW B05040/SWCP07 Spiral
EI C1765/38 Star field
EI N1810/38 Starmap
NS R3501 Starry background
NS L3504 Starry corner
SW P10056/110 Starswirl
SW M20032/228 Sun
EI N1807/38 Sunman
NS S7112 Sunset
SW P11013/112 Telescope
SW M19005/217 Tornado
EI J1781/38 Twinkle Tino
SW C05035/SWCP07 Ufo lg
SW B05042/SWCP07 Ufo sm
NS E6002 Wonderland sun
5½ x 5½ cm
Please take a look at SW Plate 228